We bring clarity to complex problems, uncover new opportunities, and help you develop innovation and design strategy that makes the most impact.

We help you leverage technology for good, designing human-centered products, services, and systems through a responsible lens.

Uncover insights that drive new opportunities, solutions, products and services.

Develop perspective on how the world is changing and discover how to leverage trends and drivers to form strategy with confidence.

Create breakthrough concepts for future products and services that position you at the forefront of your industry.

Understand where and how to improve your products and services to achieve your strategic outcomes.

Address needs, challenges, and opportunities with innovative design solutions that create impact for you and your customers.

Test concepts with your customers, discover their needs and desires, and rapidly improve solutions that hit all your metrics.

Improve your organization’s responsible design IQ, whether you’re just starting out on a design journey or looking to strengthen and grow existing capacity.

We’re here to
meet your needs

From immediate design support to end-to-end bespoke projects, our world-class customer service and flexible pricing structures will suit your every project.

How can we help you?

Artefact’s partners include Nike, Tangerine, Google, Amazon, Magic Leap, Adobe, Samsung, Group Health, Tableau, Microsoft, Hyundai, and more.