Senior Design Director
Chad Hall
Chad Hall
Notable Clients: The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Gates Ventures
Skills + Interest Areas: information design, data visualization, systems thinking, bridging digital + analog experiences
Favorite Design Resources: “The Shape of Design” by Frank Chimero, “Where are the Missing Masses?” by Bruno Latour
Chad is a Senior Design Director at Artefact and a strong advocate for responsible design. Chad’s work focuses on helping shape equitable systems through envisioning for and designing towards preferable futures. Chad’s approach bounces between macro and micro lenses of the design process; from mapping large scale systems to the craft and small details of designing interventions. He has a background in working with global health organizations and biotech startups and has worked diligently to make information and data more accessible and actionable to influence change.
He earned a Master of Design from the University of Washington and a B.A.C in Communication from Pacific Lutheran University. Alongside Artefact, Chad is an Assistant Professor in the Division of Design at the University of Washington, and the co-host of the podcast This is Design School.
When not designing, you can find Chad roaming the aisles of a local hardware store finding that extra thing for some DIY home remodeling or woodworking project, screen printing at Pratt Fine Arts Center, or running with his dog, Benson, and the Seattle Frontrunners.