
“I like the idea of a lot of smaller, simple device which is connected to you. This is about your health. It should not be lost in everyday social life on a phone.”

“Designers often talk about doing good, but Artefact actually backs it up.”

Detailed reporting that delivers insights from multi-dimensional data

The Dialog patient and family caregiver apps provide an easy way to interpret logs of observable symptoms and overlay that with data about relevant events and activities, providing rich insights over time of factors that may change thresholds or trigger events.

Better insights, better treatment

The Dialog patient and family caregiver apps provide an easy way to interpret logs of observable symptoms and overlay that with data about relevant events and activities, providing rich insights over time of factors that may change thresholds or trigger events.

Early warnings

Dialog communicates to the patient or family caregivers the potential onset of a seizure so that the patient can proactively get to a safe setting or take any preventative action possible to prepare for the seizure.

Flexible wearing styles

Different wearing styles, as a patch on the body or a bracelet on the wrist, allow the patient to determine where to place the device, depending on how discreet they want to be. This flexibility takes into account the person’s emotional needs and how she manages her condition.

Support when needed the most

In cases of emergency, a bystander app provides first responders with instructions on how to help the patient.

A glimpse of a possible reality

The components that can make a concept like Dialog possible are already being developed and tested. Creating innovative experiences that help people understand and manage their conditions better will empower them to live better lives – that’s creating a preferable health outcome by design.